Donald Grahame Holmes
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Donald Grahame Holmes (M’88–SM’03–F’13) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in power systems engineering from the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, in 1974 and 1979, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in PWM theory for power electronic converters from Monash University, Clayton, Australia, in 1998. In 1984, he joined Monash University, Clayton, Australia, where he established and directed the Power Electronics Group for more than 25 years. In 2010, he moved to (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia to take up a professorial chair in Smart Energy. He has a strong commitment and interest in the control and operation of electrical power converters His research interests include fundamental modulation theory and its application to the operation of energy conversion systems, current regulators for drive systems, and PWM rectifiers, active filter systems for quality of supply improvement, resonant converters, current-source inverters for drive systems, and multilevel converters. He has made a significant contribution to the understanding of PWM theory through his publications and has developed close ties with the international research community in the area. He has published more than 200 papers at international conferences and in professional journals, and regularly reviews papers for all major IEEE transactions in his area. He has also coauthored a major reference textbook on PWM theory with Prof. Thomas Lipo of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.
Prof.Holmes is a member of the Industrial Power Converter and the Industrial Drive Committees of the IEEE Industrial Applications Society, and has held a number of positions on the Adcom of the IEEE Power Electronics Society over many years.
Ron Hui
MediaTek Endowed Professor, School of EEE
Prof. Ron Hui received the PhD degree from the Imperial College London in 1986. He has held academic positions at Nottingham University (1986-1989), UTS (1980-1990), Sydney University (1991-1996) and CityU of Hong Kong (1996-2010). In 2011-2021, he was a Chair Professor of Power Electronics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Imperial College London. At HKU, he held the Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professorship of Electrical Engineering. From March 2021, he holds the MediaTek Endowed Professorship at Nanyang Technological University and Chair Professorship at Imperial College London. He has published over 320 refereed journal papers and has over 120 patents adopted by industry worldwide. His inventions have underpinned key dimensions of the world’s first wireless power standard Qi, launched in 2010 by the Wireless Power Consortium with over 430 company members including Apple, Samsung etc. He is the recipient of the 2015 IEEE William Newell Power Electronics Award, 2010 IEEE Rudolf Chope R&D Award and 2010 IET Crompton Medal. He is a Fellow of the IEEE (2003), Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering (2010), the US National Academy of Inventors (2018) and the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2016).
Professor Patrick C.K. Luk
Cranfield University, U.K
Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk is Full (Chair) Professor in Electrical Engineering and Head of Electric Power and Devices Group at Cranfield University, U.K. He has been the principal investigator for the successful delivery of a number of EU and UK-government funded strategic projects in grid-connected electric vehicles and electric machines. At Cranfield, he is responsible for providing academic leadership and strategic direction for More Electric Technologies across the University’s different disciplines, including energy, automotive, aerospace and water. He is a member of the university’s £9M ‘Multi User Environment for Autonomous Vehicle Innovation’ UK government funded initiative to develop green mobile technologies built on a ‘smart’ road across the university’s campus. Most recently, he has started to lead a UK ‘first’ Green Airport programme, using Cranfield’s own airport as the research platform.
A Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2018-2022), Prof Luk has been a dedicated volunteer in research communities, including as a chairman/vice-chairman in IEEE UK Power Electronics Chapter (2007-17), and Asso. Editor in IEEE Transactions in Power Electronics (2010-2018). He has held technical advisory roles to blue-chip companies including Mitsubishi Electric UK, Lotus Engineering, Ministry of Defence UK, BAE Systems, and Lockheed Martin U.K. He is the co-holder of 10 GB/US patents and applications on electric drives, and has over 300 publications and several book chapters in electric machines and power electronics. He received his BSc degree from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, MPhil degree from Sheffield University and Ph.D degree from University of South Wales, Cardiff, UK., and is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy UK.
Speech Title: Towards a New Energy Eco-System: The Convergence of The Electric Grid and The Electric Car
The first commercial electric power grids and the first mass production of cars occurred within about two decades from each other at around the turn of the 20th century, in the U.S. and in Europe. In their separate ways, the electric power industry and the car industry have since acted as two economic engines to propel the developed world with unparalleled prosperity and benefits for over a century. However, the last decades have seen these two fossil-fuel based industries face major challenges arising from the so called ‘energy trilemma’ – energy equity, energy security and environmental sustainability. This keynote speech will explore how recent disruptive technologies (e.g. electric machines) and innovative strategies give raise to the prospect of the convergence of the electric grid and the electric vehicles (EVs), and towards a new energy eco-system that offers solutions to the ‘energy trilemma’. Disruptive technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart and rapid EV charging, as well as innovative strategies such as mobility as a service (MaaS), will be discussed. The long-term success, the talk will conclude, depends on the extent of diversity and shared benefits that this ecosystem can embrace.
Jiabing Hu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Since September 2011, Dr. Jiabing Hu has been a Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. He is the author/coauthor of more than 100 peer-reviewed technical papers and one book, and holds more than 20 issued/pending patents. His research is currently supported by the National Natural Science of China for Excellent Young Scholars, the National Program for Top-Notch Young Professionals, and the Yangtze River Scholar Program from the Chinese Ministry of Education. His current research interests include grid-integration of large-scale renewables, modeling, analysis, and control of power electronized power systems, and modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications.
Dr. Hu serves as an Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, an Associate Editor of IET Renewable Power Generation, a Domestic Member of the Editorial Board for Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, and a member of Editorial Board for Automation of Electric Power Systems. He is the co-convenor of IEC SC8A JWG5, and an active expert of IEC SC8A WG1/AHG3. Hewas nominated in 2016 and 2017 by Elsevier to be between the 41 Most Cited Chinese Researchers in electrical and electronic engineering. He is the Fellow of Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Pinjia Zhang
Tsinghua University, China
Pinjia Zhang, currently a professor of the department of the electrical engineering of the Tsinghua University, the doctoral advisor, the receiver of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. In 2015, he was founded by the National Youth Thousand Talents Program. In 2018, he was funded by the Outstanding Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In 2018, he was the first mainland winner to receive the IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Achievement Award. In 2019, he was awarded the "Academic Newcomer Award" by Tsinghua University. In 2021, he won the "Zhongda Young Scholar" award, won the first prize of the Science and Technology Award of the China Electrotechnical Society as the first receiver, and the gold medal of the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions. He has been engaged in research on online monitoring and fault diagnosis of electrical equipment for a long time. He serve as the editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and other journals. He also serve as the chairman and convener of the CIGRE/A1.45 Motor System Online Monitoring Standards Committee, and participated in the organization of 4 IEEE standards. He has been published more than 40 papers as the first/corresponding author in various IEEE transactions, and won the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Best Paper Award, three times won the first prize paper of IEEE Industrial Application and Industrial Electronics Society Electrical Engineering Committee.
Speech Title: The Intelligent Monitoring Technology for the Electrical Machine System
The electrical machine system is the key equipment of the modern industry, which is important for the aim of the carbon neutrality and emission peak. In addition, various cutting-edge applications pose challenges to the reliability of motor systems under complex operating conditions. Therefore, the researches about intelligent monitoring technology are carried out from electrical, mechanical, thermal and other aspects, in order to realize high precision intelligent perception of multiple physical quantities based on electromagnetic signals. First, the prognosis method for insulation fault based on leakage current measurement is proposed. The magnetic filter core is designed based on the difference between leakage current and load current in magnetic path. The high-accuracy leakage current sensing technology is realized which can be used for the online monitoring and fault prognosis of insulation. Second, the intelligent monitoring method for the drivetrain based on the electromagnetic torque is proposed. The external sensing method based on vibration signal is changed into the internal sensing method based on electromagnetic torque, which transforms the electrical machine from “power heart” into “perception”. The fault diagnosis can be achieved without extra vibration sensor. Third, the maximum capacity control method based on the thermal monitoring is proposed. Based on the high-accuracy thermal monitoring method for the stator and the rotor of electrical machines and power electronics, the method can maximize the output power of electrical machine within the thermal constraint using the electric-magnetic-thermal coupling model.
To be updated...