The International Association of Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering (IAEEEE) is an international, scientific and educational organization. IAEEEE developed a diverse membership composed of engineers, scientists, administrators, and educators representing corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies. IAEEEE seeks to develop a sustainable future and ensure the continued advancement of a modern world, which now becomes more reliant on electronic, electrical and energy engineering.


The quickly-evolving modern world features more technology, robotics, and automation than ever before in history. Behind all this innovation lies some form of electrical, electronic, and energy-based engineering that powers it. This changing world provides far greater demands, and in response, the mission of IAEEEE is to improve and maintain the electrical, electronic, and energy standards globally. Even as the rapid pace of change and innovation presents new cultural shifts and unprecedented challenges, IAEEEE stands to united global organizations with standardized training and certification that will provide for greater safety and efficiency. 

Furthermore, IAEEEE also organizes conferences and other events that will offer an unparalleled opportunity for professionals in the field to network. Influential public policymakers, researchers and industry experts will gather together in a forum that is conducive to sharing ideas, research, solutions, and ultimately seeking a change that provides for greater industry opportunity and a safer, more sustainable future.

Vision Statement

The International Association of Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering (IAEEEE) envisions a future of greater cooperation and united effort that leads to even more expedited advancement in the industry. The Association believes that innovation across all divisions is best served when all interested parties share a common forum to implement certifications, safety standards, and share cutting edge research. Truly groundbreaking results will emerge as IAEEEE collectively unite the efforts towards a common purpose of cooperation and expansion, and as a result, IAEEEE will be part of creating a world, where all can enjoy a more safe and sustainable future.